Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hamlet Predisscusion ?'s

1. I don't think that revenge is the way to go in dealing with someone because they will probably try to take revenge on you after that.
2. I think that it is better to think before you act because you can regret acting before thinking if you say something you shouldn't have.
3. I think that we create our own realities because there are so many opinions everywhere you go that, those opinions become your own reality.
4. The qualities of a good friendship are trust, communication, honesty, and being there for that person through the good and the bad. I don't think that it's ok to spy on a person but it is ok to check on them and make sure they are safe.
5. I do think that parents should let children make their own mistakes but the parent can guide them to help them make good choices; because parents aren't always going to be there when the kid goes off to college.
6. Yes, I do think that the child should be supportive of the parent because if the parent is happy then that's good and the child should try to help the parent.
7. Yes, I think there is a time when it goes to far, because you have to move on at sometime. It is ok to grieve though.

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