Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sentence Composing #3

1. Model: Twisting and punching and kicking, the two boys rolled across the floor.
--Lois Duncan, A Gift of Magic

-Laughing and yelling and celebrating, the winning team cavorted in the locker room.

-Cheering and hollering and rooting, the fans went crazy in the stadium.

2. Model: He fell back exhausted, his ankle pounding.
--Raplh Ellison, "Flying Home"

-She raced fast determined, her lungs were burstin.

-She slumped wearily, her brain worn-out.

3. Model: Alone, Tom looked around the room and knew that he was a stranger here.
--Hal Borland, When the Legends Die

Afraid, Clark walked down the alley hoping he was alone.

-Happy, Bill came to work with a positive attitude.

4. Model: The room was empty , a silent world of sinks, drain boards, and lock cupboards.
--Frank Bonham, Chief

The arena was full, a huge cavern filled with fans, bright lights, and exciting music.

-The room was full, a huge space filled with people, colorful painting, and classical music.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Excellent job modeling the sentences and combining sentences.

Grade: 10/10