Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sentence Composing 3,4,&5

Sentence Composing 3
Model: Dark, velvety, the beauty of his mustache was enhanced by his strong clean-shaven chin.
--Toni Morrison, Beloved
-Slow, weary, his cautionary steps were caused by the surrounding overexcited horses.
-Tired, dreary, her closing eyelids were an effect of the baby crying all night.

Practice #4
1. Wordless, we split up.
--Annie Dillard, An American Childhood
-Sample: Wet, the napkin fell apart
-Tired, the woman fell asleep.

2. Cold, dark, and windowless, it stretched the length of the house.
--Jessamyn West, "The Child's Day"
-Sample: Hot, humid, and muggy, the weather exhausted the stamina of the bikers.
-Happy, excited, and nervous, the girl was ready to take the driver's license test.

3. Afraid that we might hunt for a cheaper apartment for the next two weeks and find nothing better than this one, we took it.
-Sample: Happy that we would escape to a lovely beach for the upcoming one month and have nothing but good time, we left home.
-Sad that we have to leave the ski resort after two weeks there and had meet some new friends, we said our goodbyes.

Practice #5

1. Nervous, I began climbing the ladder's rungs, slightly reassured by having Finny right behind me.
--John Knowles, A Seperate Peace

2. Tired and annoyed, he wandered about the many tents, only to find that one place as cold as another.
--Jack London, "To Build a Fire"

3. Trapped and curious, my limited reading helped me to know something of a world beyond the four walls of my study.
Christy Brown, My Left Foot

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