Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hamlet Act 2 Journal

1. I think that Polonius likes to make plans and to secretive.
2. Hamlet thinks that the world is like a prison, and it's unfair. I am an optimist because I try to look for the good in the world.
3. Yes, because he thinks he can get more info about Hamlet.
4. I think that Hamlet is just pretending to be crazy because when he is by himself he is more calm and relaxed and not showing off.
5. I think he likes it because acting isn't reality. He uses it because it's not to risky. Yes, because he should have just listened to him.
6. No I don't think they are wrong for spying on him because they are trying to help and they were sent by the King and Queen. He problem feels bad that they had to send people to spy on him.

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