Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hamlet Predisscusion ?'s

1. I don't think that revenge is the way to go in dealing with someone because they will probably try to take revenge on you after that.
2. I think that it is better to think before you act because you can regret acting before thinking if you say something you shouldn't have.
3. I think that we create our own realities because there are so many opinions everywhere you go that, those opinions become your own reality.
4. The qualities of a good friendship are trust, communication, honesty, and being there for that person through the good and the bad. I don't think that it's ok to spy on a person but it is ok to check on them and make sure they are safe.
5. I do think that parents should let children make their own mistakes but the parent can guide them to help them make good choices; because parents aren't always going to be there when the kid goes off to college.
6. Yes, I do think that the child should be supportive of the parent because if the parent is happy then that's good and the child should try to help the parent.
7. Yes, I think there is a time when it goes to far, because you have to move on at sometime. It is ok to grieve though.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Matrix Blog-#2

1. I think Cypher decided to go back because he didn't want to face reality. I think that his reasoning is kind of valid but you have to face it sometime, everything can't be perfect. I don't think ignorance is bliss because something will come up and you can't deny reality.
2. No, he doesn't accept his role right away. Beowulf was put in charge by others but Beowulf is confident about it.
3. If everyone was perfect and logical then no one would make mistakes and you wouldn't learn through those mistakes. In IRobot the robots turn evil against the people and in the end the robots try to take over the world to make it better.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Matrix Blog-#1

1. It parallels the allegory of the cave because Neo switches "realities" just like the prisoner in the cave.
2. Real can be defined as a fact to you. You know what is real because that's what your mind is telling you, real can change because you can gain more knowledge and come to a different conclusion.
3. I think that technology is controlling our world today because everyone is using technology and believing what we see on the internet as well so we don't think for ourselves. Technology has in some ways lessened the quality of life by lessening skills that people once possessed. Writing skills have probably decreased because everyone relies on keyboards.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"The Cave"

The Cave is an allegory about the reality of the truth is based on what you see. Socrates is trying to get across that the reality may be different than the truth based on what you experience and gain knowledge from. The opportunity to learn things then you have many possibilities to explore and create knowledge that is your own. If you go along with what everyone else is saying then you may not have as many opportunities as people that make learning their own. With the technology today, we as students, don't really have to think for ourselves because if we need help with something we can look on Wikipedia or on Google.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sentence Composing #7-practice 2

Practice 2:
-Model: delayed adverb-visibly
-When she told him, she tried to excuse herself a bit, lamely.
-When he saw her, he smiled widely, excitedly.

Practice 3:
-Model: delayed adverbs-slowly and evenly
-She crossed Washington Avenue, purposefully and confidently.
-The bikers biked on Hynes Avenue, quickly and efficiently.

Practice 4:
Model: delayed adverb-slowly
-Sample: delayed adverb-triumphantly
-Completely done, Sally raised her hand confidently.
2.-Model: delayed adverb-quietly
Sample: delayed adverb-dreamily
-We hiked in the forest, nervously, where the trees swayed in the wind and made noises through the jet black sky.
3.-Model: delayed adverb-heavily
-Sample: delayed adverb-desperately
-The man was talking, quickly, with the two men, after a loud booming sound, his try was no use, it was already to late.