Monday, October 20, 2008

Argumentative Paragraph-Seven Deadly Sins

There are seven deadly sins that are in our world today. The venal sins include: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Not all sins are shown in the Canterbury Tales. In the Miller's Tale, 3 men were coveting a very ostentatious woman, known as greed. The men were fighting for her attention and trying to get her to notice them. In the Wife of Bath's Tale, a knight is sent on pertinent journey. Searching for a what women want, the knight, finds an old hag who says that she will tell him what women really want. The old hag makes him promise that he will marry her. "That you will do, whatever it may be; The thing I ask if it lie in your might; And I'll give you your answer ere the night." The knight is a little shocked at first, because she is old and ugly. The knight is full of greed so the old hag says that she can be either beautiful, but she may cheat on him, or she can be ugly and stay true to him. He says that it's up to her, she decided to be beautiful and stay true to him.
The seven deadly sins may have consequences.

1 comment:

Brian said...

-Your topic sentence needs to be more argumentative instead vague and informative; Don't start a topic sentence with "there are" or "here are"
-Some of your sentences could be combined and use active voice

-While you do use a delayed adjective phrase, it's a misplaced modifier since the woman isn't know as greed.
-Explain the implications/roles of the Seven Deadly Sin in the the Miller's Tale more thoroughly
-Indicate line number and use "/" marks to indicate breaks in the line
-Is the knight in the WOB tale full of greed, or is it pride?
-Decent wrap up sentence, but flesh it out a bit more
-Work on sentence structure and fluency
-Nice incorporation of vocabulary words