Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Romanticism Questions

1. It began in 1785 and ended in 1832. It was a dramatic change with rebellion. Emotion over reason, nature over human artifice, ordinary people over aristocrats, and spontaneity and wildness over decorum and control.
2. King George III was king of England from 1760-1820. The French Revolution began. France declared war on England in 1793.
3. They followed the Neoclassical model of imitating traditional literary forms. They showed romanticism in their emotional explorations and in their perceptions of nature as wild and untamed. Thomas Gray, Robert Burns, and William Blake.
4. The publication of Lyrical Ballads. He explained the revolutionary theory of poetry within the book. He explains that poetry should be about common people and events. Wordsworth and Coleridge were the second generation of romantic era poets. The celebrated emotion over reason and nature over science.
5. Long storeis containing elements of suspense, mystery, magic, and the macabre, with exotic settings such as haunted castles and untamed wildernesses. The Castle of Otranto, the Mysteries of Udolpho and Frankenstein.
6. Novel of manners.

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