Friday, January 23, 2009

Hamlet/Macbeth Comparison Contrast

1. Power

Hamlet-Claudius is power hungry so he kills King Hamlet. Claudius becomes king. Claudius doesn't confess until the play that Hamlet puts on. When the killing scene comes up Claudius wants the lights turned on and he walks out. Claudius eventually feels guilty for the crime that he committed and ends up getting killed.

Macbeth-Macbeth wants power so much that he is willing to kill his cousin to become King. Macbeth feels guilty right away. Macbeth thinks being king is to much work. Power is a very powerful thing and it gets to be to much. Macbeth gets killed and Malcom comes to reign.

2. Ophelia/Lady Macbeth

Hamlet-In Hamlet Ophelia is a motherly figure. She is always singing however she goes crazy due to her father's death. She is picking flowers done by a river and falls into the water and drowns, all the while she is singing.

Macbeth-In Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a motherly figure. She sings and has also gone crazy due to deaths. She ends up committing suicide by jumping off the castle.

3. Psychiatric Problems

Hamlet-Their family had a tendency to be crazy and dramatic. Examples include Hamlet, Ophelia. Hamlet was dramatic because he started to believe he was seeing his father's ghost. Ophelia was crazy because there was speculations on whether is killed herself or just drowned.

Macbeth-Lady Macbeth went crazy after the events of Duncan's murder because she had nightmares and she sleepwalked. She thought that she has blood all over her hands.

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