Monday, October 20, 2008

Argumentative Paragraph-Seven Deadly Sins

There are seven deadly sins that are in our world today. The venal sins include: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Not all sins are shown in the Canterbury Tales. In the Miller's Tale, 3 men were coveting a very ostentatious woman, known as greed. The men were fighting for her attention and trying to get her to notice them. In the Wife of Bath's Tale, a knight is sent on pertinent journey. Searching for a what women want, the knight, finds an old hag who says that she will tell him what women really want. The old hag makes him promise that he will marry her. "That you will do, whatever it may be; The thing I ask if it lie in your might; And I'll give you your answer ere the night." The knight is a little shocked at first, because she is old and ugly. The knight is full of greed so the old hag says that she can be either beautiful, but she may cheat on him, or she can be ugly and stay true to him. He says that it's up to her, she decided to be beautiful and stay true to him.
The seven deadly sins may have consequences.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sentence composing #5 practice 4 and 5

Practice 4

1. often surprisingly pleasant
-Leaf raking is outdoor work, actually quiet entertaining.
2. solemn face
-The baby's shoes were shaped like walnuts, very colorful and fitting very tightly against her small, tiny feet.
3.into the back of the truck
-I laughed as the guy tripped over the folded rug, as folded as a scroll, onto the floor.

Practice 5

1. then fell to the ground
2. four and four
3. tall, blonde, funny, and smart

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sentence Composing #5-Delayed Adjectives

1. Milk, sticky and sour on her dress, attracted every small flying thing from gnats to grasshoppers.
2. It seemed dreadful to see the great beat lying there in agonly, powerless to move and yet powerless to die.
3. The water in this pool has a dark clarity, like smoked glass, transparent but obscure.
4. Picture poor old Alfy coming home from football practice every evening, bruised and aching agonizingly tired, scarcely able to shovel the mashed potatoes into his mouth.
5. I am an enthusiastic laudress, capable of sorting a hamper full of clothes into five subtly differentiated piles.

Practice 2
1. They sang like angels, pure and sweet.
They swam like fish, intent and quick.

Practice 3
1. We knew what her sister was feeling, happy to help.
-We knew we were going fishing, excited to go.