Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gulliver's Travels

In the world of the Huanhuhums Swift is saying that humans aren't perfect. The horses were capturing yahoos instead of the people capturing the horses. It is blatant. It showed a lot of irony; you could visualize it better. It made me think because it went back and forth between the worlds and brought out some good points to think about.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Modest Proposel ?'s

1. The tone is full of facts. He is straight to the point.
2. He has 3 or 4 main points; he talks about the problems first and then solution and benefit at the end. It's way to populated, the mother's don't support the children. The children into food.
3. If you sell the children because more people will want to get married and it will reduce domestic violence.
4. A false or mistaken idea is a fallacy. When he talked about the mother carrying eight kids and how it's saying that all of the country is like that. It is naturalistic fallacy.
5. My gut reaction to this is that it makes me sick to think about. My reaction changed a little because it's not meant to be taken literally.
6. No it's not meant to be taken literally. He is saying that one thing leads to another and that all of England is like this. That there is a problem in Ireland.
7. Yes, PETA does that.
8. Most decisions should be based on logic but some might be gut reaction.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enlightenment/Restoration ?'s

1. It ended the Protestant Inter-regnum. The monarchy was restored.
2. The country was moved toward a form of government called constitutional monarchy.
3. It is called this because of the emphasis on power of intellect over feeling. Immanuel Kant, John Locke, and Adam Smith were some of the people that contributed.
4. Neoclassicism made use of classical forms and allusions and promoted ideals of harmony, tradition, and reason. It emphasizes on social interactions. It is also called the Augustan Age.
5. The Age of Dryden, the Age of Pope, and the Age of Johnson.
The Age of Dryden: Characteristics-Drama made a comeback in this era. Authors-John Dryden Literary genres-tragedies, modern prose, novels
The Age of Pope: Characteristics-also called the Augustan Age. Authors-Alexander Pope, Johnathan Swift, Joseph Addison, and Sir Richard Steele, Daniel Defoe. Literary genres-satires, poems.
The Age of Johnson: Characteristics-Writers began to move away from Neoclassicism. Authors-Samuel Johnson, James Boswell. Literary Genres-poetry, literary criticism, and prose fiction, biography.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Puritian Cavieler Comparison Contrast

1. Puritans believe in everything that is holy and pleasing to God and the Cavilers do things their own way.
2. The Cavilers way might not be pleasing to God and the Puritans way is.
3. The Cavilers talked about things in their eyes and how they see life.
4. I think I am both at some point in times because sometimes I can be uptight and other times I am relaxed and like to do things my own way.